150 Great Complimentary Words and Phrases to Use in Customer Service

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Looking for some compliments and nice comments to add into your call centre scripts?

We have put together a list of over 150 examples of complimentary words for customer service to help your agents boost their conversation with friendly rapport – every time.

What are Complimentary Words?

Complimentary words are those that we use in a conversation to make the person we are talking to feel good about themselves.

They are generally words to describe an aspect of somebody’s personality/life or to describe something that belongs to the person receiving the compliment.

Do Not Confuse Complimentary Words with Complementary Words.

Not to be confused with complementary words, which refer to how something completes something else, for example as a free service e.g. This service is complementary (free/ at no additional charge). Both sound the same but are spelt differently.

Here are some examples of the very best compliment words you can use right now:

25 Complimentary Words to Describe a Customer’s Personality

Here is a list of powerful one word compliments that can be used in customer service conversations to describe a customer’s personality:

1 Considerate 10 Humble 19 Responsible
2 Co-operative 11 Insightful 20 Sincere
3 Determined 12 Intelligent 21 Thorough
4 Enthusiastic 13 Loyal 22 Thoughtful
5 Friendly 14 Observant 23 Understanding
6 Funny 15 Organised 24 Welcome
7 Generous 16 Patient 25 Wise
8 Helpful 17 Positive    
9 Honest 18 Proactive    

25 More Complimentary Words for Customer Service

Here is another list of compliments that can be used in customer service conversations when you are looking for nice words to say:

1 Amazing 10 Good Choice 19 Superb
2 Awesome 11 Gorgeous 20 Smashing
3 Brilliant 12 Great 21 Splendid
4 Delightful 13 Interesting 22 Stunning
5 Excellent 14 Impressive 23 Terrific
6 Fabulous 15 Lovely 24 Tremendous
7 Fantastic 16 Marvellous 25 Wonderful
8 Fine 17 Nice    
9 First-Class 18 Outstanding    
A chart showing a list of complimentary words

These words are great compliments and can be particularly powerful in customer service and sales when looking to positively influence the emotions of a customer.

Examples of the Top Ten Complimentary Words for Customer Service

1. Honest

After an angry customer has vented at you, it can be difficult to know what to say next. The wrong thing can set the customer off again and damage their impression of you.

A compliment can work well in these situations, if used carefully. Thanking them for their honesty can help to show the customer that you are on their side, before you move forward with answering their query.

“Thanks for being so honest with me about how this is impacting you.”

2. Loyal

When checking a customer’s information, you may have noticed that they’ve been loyal to your business for a number of years. This provides you with the ideal opportunity to give a compliment.

By using this compliment, you can show that loyalty is valued by your company in a sincere way that makes sure the customer feels appreciated.

In this example, we also use the word “great” to further emphasize the compliment.

“I can see that you’ve been a loyal customer, that’s really great…”

3. Nice

During a conversation where the customer has clearly done their preparation and made sure they have gathered everything they need before the interaction, thank them for that.

Give them a compliment by telling them that it’s nice to speak to someone who has been so proactive. The word “nice” is not only complimentary but also a great positive word.

“It’s nice to speak to a customer who has been so proactive.”

4. Wise

If a customer sounds unsure of a decision or a choice that they have made, support them by showing that you understand their thought process.

“Wise” is a great complimentary word to use in these scenarios, as it removes any sense of judgement from your response and reasserts to the customer that their decision-making has been logical.

“I think that was a very wise decision to make.”

5. Funny

If the customer makes a joke, simply passing over it can make things awkward. So giving a measured chuckle can be important to help move the conversation along.

When the joke does give you a genuine laugh, that’s great for rapport, which you can bolster by acknowledging the customer’s humour and complimenting them for it.

“Ah yes, that’s a funny observation.”

6. Good

When a customer opens up to you, validate that and show that you care. Using “good” as a complimentary word in such a scenario can be a helpful technique.

It is not easy for most people to open up, especially to a stranger, but if the customer is in a difficult situation, a compliment like this is the ideal way to show them that you are on their side.

“It’s good that you’ve shared that with me.”

7. Lovely

If the customer shares their address, which you know to be a nice area, this compliment is a great way to boost the customer’s ego and give the conversation a friendly feel.

Also, this phrase enables the advisor to demonstrate commonality, which is a great tool in building rapport with customers.

“Wow, you live in [INSERT PLACE]. That’s a lovely place. I’ve got family who live there.”

8. Excellent

From time to time, you will come across a “know it all” customer who challenges you on the advice that you give. These conversations can become a little frosty.

But if you instead praise their excellent research, you can compliment their dedication to the matter, helping to warm up the conversation.

You can then position yourself as someone with inside information to deal with the challenging customer.

“I can tell that you’ve done some excellent research.”

9. Interesting

When a customer is explaining their problem, they can feel a little silly if they are describing a mistake that they made.

Remove this negative sentiment by telling them that you understand their thought process and found it to be an interesting or maybe even innovative idea.

“That’s an interesting idea, I can see why you did that.”

10. Wonderful

“Wonderful” can be a great complimentary word to use when referring to something that the customer has done or, in this case, a choice that they have made.

It helps to reassure the customer that you support their decision and reaffirms that they have control over the choices that they have made.

“I think that you have made a wonderful choice.”


What Are the Top Complementary Words?

  1. This service is complementary
  2. This service is free to all off our customers
  3. As a gesture of goodwill, we will provide this for free
  4. This service/feature is included in your package at no extra charge.”
  5. You’ll be pleased to know that there’s no additional cost for this.
  6. This comes as part of your subscription, so there’s no need to worry about any extra fees.
  7. It’s complementary with your purchase.
  8. Consider it a free upgrade

More Examples of Using Complimentary Words

Let’s take a look at even more examples of how we can use complimentary words in the contact centre to help you find great things to say.

10 Examples of Words to Compliment a Customer’s Personality

These ten examples are great for complimenting an aspect of the customer’s personality:

  1. “I appreciate you being so enthusiastic about following this up.”
  2. “I think you’re just being humble.”
  3. “I’m always happy to have a conversation with such a friendly person.”
  4. “It is great that you have been so thorough in your research.”
  5. “It is very responsible of you to have made that decision.”
  6. “Thank you for being so observant and spotting our mistake.”
  7. “Thank you for being so patient with me on this.”
  8. “You are very generous to say that.”
  9. “You have been very cooperative, which makes my job a lot easier.”
  10. “Your feedback has been very helpful; I will share it with X department.”

10 Examples of Words to Compliment Something Linked to the Customer

The ten examples below are great for complimenting something that is closely linked to the customer:

  1. “I bet that your dog is delightful.”
  2. “I think that you have a fabulous home.”
  3. “I’m sure that you have lovely children.”
  4. “It’s excellent that you are helping to make a difference.”
  5. “It’s impressive that you do that for a living.”
  6. “That’s a fantastic accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself.”
  7. “That’s a really nice name, where does that originate from?”
  8. “You are a wonderful example to others.”
  9. “You have an awesome sense of humour.”
  10. “You have done a splendid job in figuring this out.”

How Best to Use Complimentary Words

While we have given lots of examples of complimentary words and compliments, the key is to deliver them in the right way. They need to come across as authentic.

A compliment cannot feel like just another box-ticking exercise, which are what soft skills are often reduced down to as part of a contact centre quality programme.

A heashot of Gavin Scott
Gavin Scott

The compliment needs to land in the right way so it feels natural. This doesn’t happen when you are trying too hard to compliment someone.

So, according to Gavin Scott, a Customer Service Expert at Loaf Training, we must train advisors to be curious and demonstrate an interest and make sure the customer is willing and open to sharing information.

“You have always got to be looking for that opportunity to deliver the compliment with that simple one-liner that will not only act as a compliment, but also show that you’re really listening to the information they’re sharing with you,” says Gavin.

From this quote we realize that active listening can be a key component in giving compliments, making the soft skill even more valuable within the contact centre environment.

Find out how to improve listening skills within your customer service team by reading our article: Top Tips to Improve Listening Skills on the Telephone

Listen Out for Those Bits of Gold Dust

There are always opportunities, in every conversation, where the customer gives you the chance to build rapport. Let’s call these bits of “gold dust”.

In our customer conversations, we should be listening out for these moments and taking the opportunities when that gold dust presents itself.

Then, it is key to make your compliments sound sincere and introduce them to the conversation in a fluid way.

A fairy sprinkling “gold dust”

As Gavin says: “Frame them in a way that will make the person you are talking to feel good. Remember, it is all about creating a positive experience for the customer.”

These simplest little things will make the customer feel good and help you to create an emotional connection with them.

For more advice on making customers feel good, read our article: What Does Good Customer Service Look Like?

A-Z of Even More Compliment Words

We have also put together a great list of even more complimentary words for you to use that are just spot on:

# Complimentary Word # Complimentary Word # Complimentary Word
1 Able 37 Composed 73 Lucky
2 Accepting 38 Conscious 74 Magnificent
3 Accommodating 39 Considered 75 Measured
4 Accomplished 40 Contagious 76 Mindful
5 Adept 41 Content 77 Momentous
6 Admirable 42 Courteous 78 Motivated
7 Admiring 43 Creative 79 Neat
8 Adorable 44 Dazzling 80 Noticeable
9 Adore 45 Dedicated 81 Optimistic
10 Agreeable 46 Deserving 82 Opulent
11 Applauding 47 Detailed 83 Ordered
12 Appreciative 48 Diplomatic 84 Perceptive
13 Astute 49 Disciplined 85 Perfect
14 Benevolent 50 Effervescent 86 Pleasant
15 Better 51 Elevating 87 Polite
16 Bold 52 Enchanting 88 Principled
17 Bountiful 53 Encouraging 89 Prompt
18 Brave 54 Engaging 90 Prudent
19 Bright 55 Favourable 91 Punctual
20 Bubbly 56 Flattering 92 Quick
21 Buoyant 57 Fun 93 Respectful
22 Calm 58 Gallant 94 Sensible
23 Capable 59 Genuine 95 Sharp
24 Considerate 60 Gifted 96 Special
25 Cooperative 61 Glorious 97 Super
26 Charismatic 62 Goal-driven 98 Supportive
27 Charitable 63 Gracious 99 Trustworthy
28 Charming 64 Grateful 100 Unparalleled
29 Chaste 65 Happy 101 Upbeat
30 Chatty 66 Impeccable 102 Valued
31 Cheerful 67 Incredible 103 Virtuous
32 Cheery 68 Inspiring 104 Warm
33 Chivalrous 69 Kind 105 Wholesome
34 Clever 70 Kindly 106 Witty
35 Colourful 71 Laudable 107 Worthy
36 Commendable 72 Likable 108 Zealous 

We hope that some of these words inspire you to give more compliments to customers in your customer service conversations.

For more language advice to apply to your customer service interactions, read our articles:

Author: Megan Jones
Reviewed by: Jonty Pearce

Published On: 31st Mar 2023 - Last modified: 24th Jan 2024
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