Mobile workers pressured to be more productive

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Over 65% of UK workers feel pressured to be more productive when they are mobile working.

Yet only 38% felt that they had seen significant increases in personal productivity as a result of using either a smartphone or device, according to research from Aspect Software.

The findings also revealed that over 70% of UK workers are now using their smart device every day. But despite the increase in the use of smart devices, businesses appear sluggish in adapting to this new way of working.

“It is evident employees feel the positive effects of being increasingly connected,” said Paul Thomas, Senior VP Northern Europe at Aspect Software. “Despite the pressure over productivity expectations, it is vital organisations respond, adapt to, and harness this new-found mobile mentality.”

Further findings revealed that 58% per cent felt that their own personal productivity would be enhanced if job-role specific mobile apps were developed for them.

Paul Thomas

“If, for example, a sales force or customer service team uses a CRM tool, they need to have full access to this when they are on the move,” continued Paul Thomas. “Access to these resources – via hosted (cloud) business-focused applications – will allow employees and businesses to effectively harness the increased levels of productivity that mobile working can offer.”

Author: Megan Jones

Published On: 14th May 2014 - Last modified: 22nd Mar 2017
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