4 Different Approaches to Quality Scoring


Here are 4 fresh ideas for quality scoring in the contact centre.

1. Traffic light system

The intensity with which we monitor our agents varies depending on their individual performance. We mark high performers as ‘green’, average performers as ‘amber’ and low performers as ‘red’.

We then monitor 1 call per month if the agent is ‘green’, 2 calls if they are ‘amber’ category and 3 calls if they are in the ‘red’ category. The agents can also be moved up or down between colours depending on how well their calls are scored each month.

If they remain in the ‘red’ category for a rolling 3 months, we instigate a full performance review.

With thanks to Aimee

2. A sliding scale from Platinum to Bronze


The quality of calls is scored on a sliding scale of Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Each level determines the number of calls that are regularly monitored (12 per month for Bronze vs. 1 per month for Platinum).

The quality level also determines whether or not the agent will receive their commission and the rate that it will be paid at. For example, a Bronze-level agent may receive no commission while a Platinum-level agent could receive a premium rate.

Any breaches in protocol – flagged up in monthly call monitoring sessions – result in an agent being bumped down a level for the subsequent month. The agent can then redeem themselves at the next monitoring session and have their previous quality level reinstated.

With thanks to Linda Davis at AllClear Travel Insurance

3. A star-rating system


Change your call scoring system from a percentage or pass/fail system into a star-rating system. Score calls from 0 Star to 5 Star, just in the same way that hotels work.

3 Star should be the minimum acceptable quality level and 5 star should be awarded only for very exceptional contacts.

The hotel comparison is easy for people to understand – and will stop people from being frustrated when they don’t score a 5 every time.

You can then play the 5 Star calls to the rest of the team as an example of great quality work.

From Jonty’s article

4. Score both overall quality and technical points


We score quality as a two-step process. One score is given for overall quality, while the second is based on the agent meeting specific technical points (such as confirming the customer’s name and postcode using the phonetic alphabet).

We find that this approach is a lot fairer and easier to understand – as the overall quality score often gives them positive reinforcement while the technical score drills down on the specifics they need to work on.

With thanks to Janet

How do you score quality in your contact centre?

Author: Megan Jones

Published On: 10th Dec 2014 - Last modified: 13th Jun 2024
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