Contact Centre Research

Nearly Three Fifths of Contact Centres Incentivise “Going the Extra Mile”
A graph demonstrating "Which performance management tools do you use?" with 80%- spreadsheets, 75%-Call Recordings 22%- WFM Software, 13%- Agent Evaluation Software, 4% Speech Analytics
Just 4% of Contact Centres Are Using Speech Analytics
Most Contact Centres Still Don’t Measure Customer Emotion in Their Metrics
20% of Contact Centres Update Their Customer Journey Maps Monthly
Just 60% of Organisations Are Considered to be Good at Building Rapport
The Majority of Contact Centres Now Have a VoC Program
More Than Half of Contact Centres Send ‘No-Reply’ Emails to Customers
Less Than Half of Contact Centres Measure First Contact Resolution
Only 2% of Advisors Have Great Levels of Rapport and Empathy
47% of Contact Centres use Average Handling Time (AHT) to Target Agents
Graph answering the question "In your contact centre, which age group are the easiest to motivate?" with the answers of 36%- 16 to 24 yrs, 40%- 25 to 34 years, 17%- 35 to 44yrs, 7%- 45yrs plus.
25–34 Year Olds are The Easiest Advisors to Motivate
Less Than 20% of Contact Centres Calculate Customer Effort
The Average Contact Centre Cost per Call in 2016 is £3.64
The Average Customer Lifetime Value is over £1000
The Average Customer Churn Rate is 20%
The Average Agent/Team Leader Ratio is less than 10
20% of Contact Centres have a team to Respond Immediately to Complaints
10% of contact centres never schedule training
Most Contact Centre Managers Call Their Own Contact Centre Every Month
Almost 20% of Contact Centre Mangers Problem Solve Once a Month
38% of Industry Professionals Have NEVER Called Their Own Contact Centre
1 in 5 Contact Centres Have an Email Service Level of More Than One Day
Most Customer Service Budgets are not Increasing
Almost Half of Contact Centres Still Forecast Contact Volumes Manually