Backoffice FTE Calculation
Can someone help me to calculate FTE for a Backoffice process which manages Service Requests for a telecom process.
Monthly Volume – 50000
TAT – 100% closure in 24 hours
AHT – 12-15 mins
Thanks in advance
Question asked by ahuja.prakash
More Details
Statistically 100% is not a target that you can work to as there will always be an exception. I would say that 99% or 95% would be more accurate.
First you need to split the month down into individual days of a 24 hour period. You would also need to specify how long the working day of one person is (hours per day).
I presume that you are looking at target completion time rather than answer time and that an item of work could be interrupted over say a break period and come back to it later?
Let us know these details and someone could probably work out an answer.
With thanks to Jonty
Activity Can be Interrupted
Thanks you for your response.
I am looking to meet SLA – which is defined as 100% of requests to be responded within 24 hours. I agree statistically we can target 99% in 24 hours too.
Working hours of FTE – 9 hours login with 1 hour break.
Since this is a backoffice process the activity can be interrupted or can be worked on later.
With thanks to ahuja.prakash
Erlang Calculations
Both of my calculations come out with the same figure – 122 agents
Method 1 – Simple division of the day (ignoring service level)
50000 emails per month
2500 emails per day (assumes 20 working days in month).
8 hours per day
480 minutes per day
28800 seconds per day
312.5 emails per hour
15 minutes per email
4 emails per person per hour
78.125 Agents needed
Add in shrinkage of 35% gives 122 agents
Method 2 (Using Erlang Calculation)
You can find the erlang calculator here.
Incoming calls 313
in a period of 60 Minutes
AHT 900 Seconds
Required Service Level 99 Percent
Target Answer Time 28800 Seconds
77 Agents needed
Add in shrinkage of 35% gives 122 agents
With thanks to Jonty
Should Occupancy be Added?
Just to understand this a bit better, although I agree with all calculations etc for both approaches, shouldn’t occupancy be added into that as well ?
I do understand that the shrinkage depends on every company policies/breaks etc. However even in the case of e.g. an agent/employee being logged for 1 hour and not taking any break, we can not expect that those 60 minutes will be 100% productive , usually the occupancy would be somewhere around 73%. i.e. 43.8 minutes instead of 60.
Isn’t that the way it should be calculated (or in general, a management decision on how much they are willing to push occupancy e.g. 80%-90%) ?
With thanks to Dennis
I Got A Different Answer
I followed the calculation 78.125/(1-0.35) = 120, and 78.125/0.65 = 120. Where did I go wrong?
With thanks to Saane
Well Spotted
Yes I agree that they both came out as 120. I think that I had punched 34% shrinkage into my calculator instead of 3%.
With thanks to Jonty
4 Emails Per Person Per Hour
how did you get 4 emails per person per hour
With thanks to john
Divide and Hour By 15
1 hour = 60 minutes
15 minutes per email
60/15 = 4 emails per person per hour
With thanks to Jonty
New Team Transition Stage
On to the above FTE calculation for particular activity brings the required understanding. However would like to know how the FTE calculation is done for multiple activity which may be execute in different stage like Weekly Monthly Qtly Annually and also activity completion hours would be different.
With thanks to Sangamesh
On 80% Occupancy
You require 97.65 on phone advisors and with 35% shrink you need 150 FTE. Moreover Just want once information from you whether its 24/7 process or its closed on weekend.
With thanks to gurpreet
FTE Requires for 48 Hour TAT
The above scenario is true for a 24 hour TAT target. What would be the FTE required if the TAT target is increased to 48 hours? This is a very recurring question in most businesses but I never was able to find a good answer. Hoping someone can help. Thanks in advance.
With thanks to Pras
How to Calculate FTE to Handle Email With 4hr TaT
I am applying below formula to calculate FTE, but not sure how to add TAT factor
Daily Email 1342
Shift : 8 hrs
Occupancy : 85%
Shrinkage : 30%
AHT : 7 min
FTE : =(7*1342)/(8*60*85%*(1-30%))
FTE = 32.86
Any help on this really appreciate , Need to add TAT factor,
With thanks to MohammadShabbir
TAT = Turnaround Time
TAT = Turnaround Time
It would be better if you used an Erlang Calculator
So instead of 80% of calls answered in 20 seconds you are looking for 80% of emails handled in 4 X 60 X 60 = 14400 seconds
With thanks to Jonty
How to Apply Turn Around Time In Excel Formula
Thank you for your reply
I have tried Erlang calculator , and change Target Answer time as 14400 or 21600 i.e. 4hr and 6hr , but there is no change is result,
How can I apply this factor while calculating in excel spreadsheet
With thanks to MohammadShabbir
Author: Jonty Pearce
Reviewed by: Robyn Coppell
Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 24th Feb 2025
Read more about - Call Centre Questions, Full Time Equivalent (FTE)