Buzz Session Energizers
My Energizer toolkit is running low on ideas? Any games / exercise ideas you have please pass my way!
Ideally suited to small and large outbound telemarketing teams.
Thank you and look forward to sharing my ideas with you all in the future.
Question asked by Marc
Hacky Sacks
In the olden days when I was young we used to throw hacky sacks around the office to liven things up a bit
Just don’t be on the phone with your head turned the wrong way as it can hurt and throw your concentration off mid call 🙂
With thanks to nicholson
Bingo Lingo
A former colleague used to use a variation on Bingo – Bingo Lingo. The agents had a Bingo card with words on it that they had to try and use during a call, this can be used to encourage the use of positive language.
With thanks to Bunnycatz
Are You Looking for Ice Breakers?
Are you looking for ice breakers at the start of a team meeting or are you looking for Call Centre Games to improve performance?
With thanks to Jonty
Start of a Team Meeting
Thanks for your ideas guys. Jonty I’m looking for ice breakers at the start of a team meeting if possible to pick up the energy levels and to engage the team.
With thanks to Marc
Which Finger and Guess Who
Here are two ice breakers that I have used before in the past at the start of team meetings.
Which finger?
Here is a good one for breaking the ice. Do this to members of your team in turn.
- Get your team to hold out their hands with their arms straight in front of them and their thumbs pointing straight up.
- Ask them to rotate their hands so that their thumbs are pointing downwards.
- Ask them to cross their hands over so that their palms are flat against each other.
- Get them to interlace their fingers to make a fist.
- Now – point to a finger (without touching) and ask them to move it.
- Now try another. They will probably find the bottom fingers most difficult.
- Repeat the exercise with touching – many people find this easier.
Guess who?
Another technique for breaking the ice with a mid-sized group – it works particularly well in your own company or group – is to ask people to write on a post-it note something about themselves that nobody else would know.
People then have to guess who the answer applies to. You do not have to do all of the answers – just pick a few at random. You can also save a few for later in the day when people return from a coffee or lunch break.
Some of the answers can be really revealing. One person turned out to have been a breakfast TV presenter earlier in his life and another went into the woods looking for mushrooms!
With thanks to Jonty
Author: Jonty Pearce
Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 26th Feb 2025
Read more about - Call Centre Questions, Games