Case Study: Club Med

beach holiday

This case study investigates how Club Med wanted to implement software that would make scheduling and forecasting easier.


Club Med specializes in all-inclusive holidays at over 60 resorts around the world. Club Med relied on spreadsheets for scheduling agents and forecasting, which was extremely time-consuming and not reliable.

The company used a home-base program for their contact centre agents who wanted to see their schedules, meaning schedules were printed and distributed every week to approximately 100 agents in three different sites (Portugal, Canada, and the United States), including their sales, service, and back office teams. It could take up to three weeks to complete their schedules.


As with many contact centres using spreadsheets, Club Med’s primary objective was to implement software that would make scheduling and forecasting easier. Jesse Holder started as a Workforce Management Specialist two years ago. Verint Monet Workforce Management was implemented shortly before he started. He found the solution easy to use and navigate and started learning it by himself before his official training.


With Verint Monet Workforce Management in place, Club Med significantly improved its abandon rate. When Jesse Holder took over in 2016, the abandon rate was 28 percent; with the help of Verint Monet, it dropped to five percent, thus meeting Club Med’s established goal. Since then, the abandon rate has been maintained at this number.

Service levels improved by six percent, with an improved conversion rate. Since the conversion rate increased, more calls led to a transaction. Satisfied with the results and efficiency obtained by Jesse Holder and the Verint Monet Workforce Management solution, Club Med has expanded the use of the solution into its Brazilian office.

This case study has been re-published by kind permission of Verint | Monet


Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 5th Feb 2021 - Last modified: 30th Sep 2022
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