The Contact Centre and the Post-Pandemic Shopper

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Filed under - Guest Blogs,

It’s been an exciting week watching the retail industry’s premier virtual eventNRF  Converge. You could see natural smiles on the speakers’ faces, such as that of Matthew Shay, President and CEO of the National Retail Federation.

At the NRF’s State of Retail and the ConsumerMr. Shay had compelling news to share. Retail experienced a 6.4% overall economic growth, which is remarkably better than what was expected one year ago when the pandemic arrived.

In fact, the NRF forecasts that sales will grow between 10.5% and 13.5% to more than $4.44 trillion in 2021. And, yet, working in the industry that I do, I couldn’t help asking where was the praise for the contact centre in all the speeches?  

Words count. Retailers everywhere used their best instincts to keep their stores open and not lose their customer base during the pandemic. Speakers throughout NRF Converge repeated resilience, reimagine, and evolving.

Many speakers spoke with pride about their success with e-commerce and dot-com salesas they should. 

Retailers experienced 18-20% growth in online sales and that is fantastic. But what does e-commerce rest upon? The contact centre. And if you waited for that story at NRF’s Converge, you might as well be stuck on hold for a while. 

The lack of attention to the contact centre has been the bane of many retailers. Too often, when shoppers begin the customer journey, they start with exceptional advertising and smooth in-store experiences that validate the brand promise.

But then they reach out to the contact centre for help and it’s like leaving the Garden of Eden with your purchase and heading to Purgatory to discuss your issues. You can blame the snake for the advertising, but it still won’t prepare you for a contact centre that was not prepared for your arrival. 

There are two key statistics that support why the contact centre is an unsung hero of the pandemic. 

  1. First is the hockey stick of growth for e-commerce.
  2. Second is e-commerce’s impact on the contact centre.

 Five9 saw their cloud’s average monthly agent minutes jump and keep growing as the pandemic progressed. So, what does this mean? 

Consumer behavior is difficult to change. According to Melissa Gonzalez of the Lion’esque Group, “Shoppers navigate by value and convenience. 

Value is easy to define, but convenience is relative. The pandemic drove 10 years of change to customer behavior in less than one year, and that tested customer loyalty.

Businesses could weather the pandemic only if they made their contact centre the new front door to their business for the at-home shopper. But no one talked about the contact centre’s role at NRF Converge, so retailers may not learn from it. 

Why was the contact centre so essential to retail during the pandemic? And why is it essential to the post-pandemic shopper? 

Its all about convenience, and that the pandemic was the time for the contact centre to shine.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Five9 – View the Original Article

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Author: Five9

Published On: 8th Jul 2021 - Last modified: 13th Jul 2021
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