Top 11 Customer Feedback Tools for Customer Service in 2024

Customer Feedback concept

Isaac Thomas at Sprinklr explores why customer feedback tools are essential, the different types available, and how to choose the right tools for 2024 to drive customer-centric growth and satisfaction.

Customer feedback tools need to be an integral part of your customer service arsenal. Do you know why? 77% of customers view brands more optimistically if they seek customer feedback and implement it.

What’s more?

Gathering and implementing customer feedback is the bedrock of customer-centricity as it helps align people, processes and products to customer needs and aspirations.

Used effectively, customer feedback platforms give direction, momentum and competitive advantage to your business strategy.

Without it, business growth is impossible to attain as you’re shooting in the dark and hoping to hit the elusive customer satisfaction target.

We understand reviewing a plethora of customer feedback tools is a task with many pitfalls, so we reviewed the 11 best tools for you.

We have covered each platform’s standout features, customer reviews, pricing information and pros/cons in this honest review that you can trust to guide your purchase decision. But before we proceed, let’s understand what a customer feedback tool is and how it elevates customer service operations.

What Is a Customer Feedback Tool?

A customer feedback tool is a software application designed to gather, analyze and manage customer feedback from channels like email, phone calls, social media and live chat. It helps organizations understand customer experiences, identify areas for improvement and enhance overall service quality.

Customer feedback management is done by gathering customer responses via surveys, feedback forms, social listening, website heatmaps, call recordings and reviews/ratings.

These tools then analyze the collected data to identify trends, areas for improvement and actionable insights for enhancing customer satisfaction.

Why Is Customer Feedback Software Important for Businesses Today?

Customer feedback is the lifeblood of your business, but many people do think “Why on earth would I invest in software to listen to more of this?”

Behind every piece of feedback – be it a detailed review or a scathing critique – lies a lot of insights with the potential to evolve your business. Let’s see in detail why customer feedback software is no longer optional but essential.

1. ROI of Implementing Customer Feedback Software

Studies prove companies that prioritize customer experience outperform their competition by a staggering 5:1. With every additional point on their Customer Experience (CX) Index, businesses can add millions to their revenue.

Capturing and analyzing feedback can help businesses increase customer satisfaction and customer retention, which are key drivers of revenue growth.

By deploying feedback software, you’re not just collecting data – you’re unearthing insights that could lead to higher CSAT and retention rates. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want customers who stick around amidst being spoilt for choice from cheaper competitors?

The return on investment (ROI) here isn’t just about what you spend on software. It’s about what you gain – loyal customers who’ll sing your praises, attract referrals and buy repeatedly from you.

2. Impact on Business Metrics

When you take customer feedback seriously, you start to notice something magical happening to your business metrics.

Revenue goes up and customer churn goes down almost instantly. Cross-sell and upsell opportunities? They come rolling in – delightful and never-ending.

And let’s not forget customer satisfaction. A happy customer is not just a returning customer; they’re a walking, talking billboard for your brand.

They’ll shout about your business from the rooftops – or, more realistically, tweet about it to their thousands of followers.

The best part?

All of this can be measured and quantified, making it easier to justify those crucial investments in your customer support strategy.

Now, if you’re convinced that customer feedback tools are a must-have, let’s discuss the top 11 tools in 2024 and help you pick your best fit.

9 Types of Customer Feedback Platforms

Customer feedback tools come in many forms, each serving a specific purpose based on the needs of your business. Some tools like heatmaps visually track user interaction on your website, revealing where customers are most and least engaged.

Others rely on customer surveys, offering structured questions to capture detailed responses from your customers. Then there are advanced feedback tools capable of performing sentiment analysis, interpreting the emotions behind customer comments to provide deeper insights.

Based on functionality, below are nine types of customer feedback platform:

1. Survey-Based Tools

Survey-based tools are designed to collect structured feedback through questionnaires and polls. They are ideal for gathering detailed insights on customer satisfaction, product preferences and areas for improvement.

The key differentiator here is the ability to ask specific questions and gather quantitative data, making it easier to analyze and compare responses.

2. Review-Based Tools

Review-based tools aggregate customer reviews from platforms like Google, Yelp and TripAdvisor. Unlike surveys, these tools collect organic feedback from customers who voluntarily share their experiences.

They provide a broader view of customer sentiment and help identify trends and common issues that might not be covered in structured surveys.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Tools

NPS tools are specialized for measuring customer loyalty by asking a single, focused question: “How likely are you to recommend us?”

The simplicity of NPS makes it distinct from other tools as it quantifies loyalty into a score that can be tracked over time. NPS tools help identify promoters who can advocate for your brand and detractors who may need attention.

4. Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social media monitoring tools track mentions, discussions and trends across platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Unlike other tools, they provide real-time insights and enable businesses to engage with customers directly. These tools are particularly valuable for understanding public perception and responding to emerging issues quickly.

5. Live Chat and In-App Feedback Tools

Live chat tools collect feedback during live interactions with customers, either through chat sessions or in-app prompts.

They stand out by offering immediate insights into the customer experience, allowing businesses to address issues on the spot. This immediacy sets them apart from tools that gather feedback after the fact.

6. Voice of Customer (VoC) Tools

VoC tools compile feedback from multiple sources, including surveys, social media and support interactions.

They provide a comprehensive view of customer sentiment, combining both structured and unstructured data. The ability to aggregate and analyze feedback from various channels differentiates VoC tools, making them essential for strategic decision-making.

7. Visual Feedback Tools

Visual feedback tools allow customers to provide feedback directly on specific elements of a website or app, often using screenshots or annotations.

This visual approach differs from traditional text-based feedback, offering a more intuitive way for customers to communicate issues or suggestions.

8. User Testing Tools

User testing tools are focused on evaluating the usability and functionality of a product. These tools gather feedback through user sessions, where customers interact with the product while providing commentary.

The emphasis on usability and user experience makes these tools distinct from those focused purely on sentiment or satisfaction.

9. Community Feedback Tools

Community feedback tools engage customers through forums, discussion boards and idea-sharing platforms. Unlike other tools, these foster a sense of community and collaboration, where customers can interact with each other and the brand, often leading to more organic and detailed feedback.

How to Choose the Right Customer Feedback Solution

With numerous options available, it’s essential to find a customer feedback solution that aligns with your unique business needs. A well-chosen solution should offer more than just data collection, namely.

  • Actionable insights
  • Seamless integration with existing systems
  • Flexibility to adapt and scale

By focusing on functionalities, scalability and flexibility, you can ensure that your chosen solution will empower your team to make data-driven decisions that build customer loyalty and satisfaction. Below are eight criteria to evaluate to find the right customer feedback solution:

Criteria Ask Yourself
Integrations Can the tool easily integrate with your current CRM, helpdesk or other platforms? Does it support API integration?
Scalability Does the tool support your business as it grows? Can it handle an increase in users and feedback volume without degrading performance?
User interface and experience Is the tool easy to use for both your team and your customers? Is the interface intuitive, reducing the need for extensive training?
Customization and flexibility How easily can you customize the tool to match your specific needs? Can you create custom surveys, workflows and reports without needing technical expertise?
Customer support and resources What level of support does the vendor provide? Are there resources available, such as tutorials or community forums, to help you get the most out of the tool?
Data security and compliance Does the tool comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations to ensure contact centre compliance? Are there robust security features in place to protect customer data, maintaining high standards of customer service security?
Cost and ROI Does the pricing align with your budget? Consider the cost vs. the value provided by the tool. Is it likely to deliver a positive contact centre ROI through improved customer satisfaction and retention?
Feedback mechanism for the tool itself Does the vendor actively seek feedback on the tool’s performance? Do they make regular updates and improvements based on user input?

2024 Trends for Customer Feedback Tools

Not just evaluation criteria, you need to keep in mind the 2024 customer trends for customer feedback tools and they are as follows:

AI Integration

Artificial intelligence is becoming central to customer feedback tools, enhancing both the collection and analysis of feedback. AI-driven platforms as you could offer personalized surveys and advanced data analysis.

Mobile Accessibility

With the increasing use of mobile devices, customer feedback tools are being optimized for mobile, leveraging responsive design and in-app feedback. It will help in improving response rates and data accuracy.

Remote Support Trends

The shift towards remote work and virtual interactions has influenced feedback tools to support remote engagement. Customer feedback tools need to deploy features like video feedback and virtual assistance to provide a more personal touch and deeper insights.


Automation is streamlining the feedback collection process, leveraging triggers based on user actions, such as post-purchase or after customer service interactions, capturing real-time insights.

You can deploy automated feedback widgets to appear based on user behavior, such as completing a checkout, to gather feedback without interrupting the user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Customer Feedback Tools Help With Customer Retention?

Customer feedback tools help with retention by identifying issues and preferences, enabling timely improvements, enhancing satisfaction and fostering loyalty. Engaging customers in the improvement process makes them feel valued and more likely to stay.

How Do Customer Feedback Tools Improve Customer Satisfaction?

Customer feedback tools improve satisfaction by providing insights into customer needs and pain points, enabling businesses to make targeted improvements. Promptly addressing concerns and showing customers their input is valued fosters a positive experience and loyalty.

What Features to Look for in Customer Feedback Tools?

Look for features like real-time analytics, customizable surveys, multi-channel support, sentiment analysis and easy integration with existing systems to gain actionable insights and enhance customer experience.

How Do Customer Feedback Tools Integrate With Other Business Systems?

Customer feedback tools integrate via APIs, allowing seamless data exchange with CRM, marketing automation and helpdesk systems, enabling a unified view of customer insights and streamlined processes.

What Are the Common Challenges in Using Customer Feedback Tools?

Common challenges include data overload, ensuring data accuracy, integrating feedback into actionable strategies and maintaining consistent engagement with customers to gather meaningful insights.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of Sprinklr – View the Original Article

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Call Centre Helper is not responsible for the content of these guest blog posts. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of Call Centre Helper.

Author: Sprinklr
Reviewed by: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 20th Sep 2024 - Last modified: 24th Sep 2024
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