Hello, we’re Sabio. We know that customer service for many organisations remains impersonal, disjointed and inefficient. Our mission is to improve this by working with our clients to enable brilliant customer experiences. And to help them stay brilliant.
Join us at the Brewery where we will focus on empowering customers with innovative digital self-service technology coupled with great design. We will also focus on empowering employees to drive quality, effectiveness and productivity. And then we’ll wrap it up by discussing how we are empowering businesses to make better decisions with insight and analytics.
Our event is free for Sabio guests* and will help you and your business enable a deeper understanding of customers across the entire journey to drive productivity, higher sales, better experiences and competitive insight.
For the latest updates you can also follow us @SabioSense #DisruptCX2020
Time: 9.30-6pm, followed by drinks
Date: 17th March 2020
Author: Rachael Trickey
Published On: 21st Feb 2020 - Last modified: 27th Mar 2020
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