Positive QA: How to Embrace Strengths-Based Coaching – Webinar

Positive QA: How to Embrace Strengths-Based Coaching

Date: 17 July 2024, 8am PST | 11am EST | 4pm GMT

Location: Virtual

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The quality assurance landscape is evolving— swap the stick for the carrot.

QA is no longer about policing agents with strict metrics, it’s about empowering them and offering opportunities for growth, development, and upskilling.

Join this live webinar, where Scorebuddy will be embracing evolution and exploring the power of strengths-based coaching with an expert panel:

  • David Magee, Account Executive, Scorebuddy (host)
  • Patricia Byron, Executive Coach & Leadership Consultant
  • Dhelma Salazar, Sr. Operations Manager, Voi
  • Dennis Eaton, VP Operations, Verse.ai


  • How the language of QA is evolving
  • The role of QA in agent development
  • Shifting from traditional metrics to new evaluation methods
  • Why strengths-based coaching is essential
  • Best practices for implementing strengths-based coaching

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Author: Scorebuddy

Published On: 28th May 2024 - Last modified: 26th Jun 2024
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