Erlang Formula for Incoming and Outgoing Calls

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Erlang Formula for Incoming and Outgoing Calls

I have the following queries on the Erlang model

1) In our contact centre, the agents, besides handling incoming calls, also make calls (outbound calls). In this case, is the Erlang Model/formula then suitable? I am under the impression that the Erlang formula is good only for incoming calls. In case it is suitable for both incoming and outbound calls, how or what adjustments do I make for outbound calls in the formula. Can I assume outbound calls to be inbound calls and include them in inbound calls?

2) Also, our contact centre agents are multi-skilled. Is the Erlang model suitable for multiskilled contact centrr? Is there any need to factor multiple skills in the formula?

Question asked by Manish

Erlang is Mostly for Inbound Calls

The Erlang C Formula was designed for inbound calls, but lots of people also use it for outbound to get a rough approximation of headcount.

What most people do is to group their inbound and outbound calls into one bucket and run the Erlang calciulation on that bucket.

For multichannel you can use a simulator.

With thanks to Jonty

Author: Jonty Pearce
Reviewed by: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 13th Jun 2024
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