Benefits and Key Features to Look for in Contact Centre QA Software

Quality Management Concept

Viki Patten at EvaluAgent explores how the right QA software can address compliance, enhance customer sentiment analysis, reduce manual work, and improve employee satisfaction in contact centres.

You understand the challenges your contact centre is facing, and you’re convinced you’re ready for a great QA tool to help you tackle them.

And yet, the C-Suite and Board’s priorities will be to tighten the purse strings while confidence in the economy is low. Few will sign off investment into contact centre software without being convinced of the benefits it will bring.

We’re going to help you do just that.

Address Compliance Requirements With Confidence

With consumer standards entering the spotlight in financial services, energy, and gaming and gambling, it’s likely other sectors will follow.

Regulatory bodies aren’t above naming-and-shaming, as well as delivering fines for non-compliance, so breaches must be taken seriously.

Any software worth its salt will feature sophisticated capabilities to help you meet exacting compliance regulations, regardless of your industry.

Look for: redaction, customizable scorecards, automated compliance checks, auto-fail functionality

Understand How Your Customers Really Feel

It’s not enough to rely on post-interaction surveys, which are open to interpretation. Technology has now reached a point where it can automatically detect sentiment through the words used as well as context.

This type of information is ripe for analysis and driving improvement. For example, do you see better sentiment when handling renewals, returns, refunds? Where is it more negative? These are the areas you can then focus on in training and development.

Look for: sentiment analysis, topic detection, audio metrics, customer journey tracking and interaction tagging

Reduce Manual Work and Make Major Efficiencies

While over-automation can leave you wading through data, finding the balance between automation and human oversight opens the door to major time-savings and improvements.

The best software will largely automate, but allow plenty of opportunity for human intervention to correct scores, verify information and confirm details before sharing with the team.

Now, you can put your best people to work – using their expertise to drive forward processes and initiatives that will delight both internal teams and customers alike.

Look for: automated work assignments, real-time reporting, a blend of AI and human oversight

Happier Frontline Staff

This might sound like over-promising, but it’s absolutely possible that the right software provider can make your agents and team leaders happier. And when you really dive into the link between employee experience and the customer experience, there are substantial gains to be made:

  • 90% of employees say gamification makes them more productive (Centrical)
  • Companies with engaged staff had 20% higher sales than those who don’t (Gallup)
  • 88% of customers say their experience matters as much as products (Salesforce)

When it comes to technology making staff happier, there’s a lot to be said for a beautifully simple interface, understanding the contributions they make and even bringing a little fun into the workplace with leaderboards and healthy competition.

Most agents just want their efforts to be recognized, and to have access to support when they need it.

Look for: connected learning management, gamification, coaching scheduling

Action Point: Relate Benefits to Your Business Pain Points

Is compliance keeping you up at night? Are you drawing a blank when it comes to understanding your customers? Are your agents leaving as fast as they’re joining?

All of these can prove expensive for businesses lacking insight. When writing your business case, lean into the unique benefits software can bring with supporting statistics, industry research, and how these relate to the pain points your contact centre suffers with.

Next time, we’ll be identifying how to find a platform partner that meets your needs – it’s a minefield out there.

Author: EvaluAgent
Reviewed by: Jo Robinson

Published On: 23rd Sep 2024 - Last modified: 22nd Oct 2024
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