Can You Hear What Your “Silent Majority” Is Saying?

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Ken Brisco of NICE shares his advice for improving your customer feedback program to benefit the overall customer experience.

Your customers are talking. Are you listening? Many of them speak volumes about their experiences with you but deny your requests to give formal opinions.

They provide critical feedback about your brand, but they don’t want to talk to you about it. These customers are known as your “silent majority”. You won’t hear from them directly through traditional methods such as phone and online surveys.

While sentiment scoring captures valuable interactions with live customer agents, the majority remains silent. They express the joy and pain of doing business with you through their journeys.

However, they still fully expect for you to hear and respond to what they are experiencing. They are a majority. Are you listening?

Organisations create effortless customer experiences by knowing their customers through their journeys. When you know customer history, your ability to serve them quickly and effectively significantly increases.

Customer journeys communicate the steps customers make and the amount of effort they give, good or bad, to complete a task or accomplish a goal.

So here’s the rub, or more accurately, the missing metric. If you do not measure the quality of your customer journeys, then you cannot hear from this silent majority.

Without their valuable feedback, you are forced to play guessing games with improving their customer experience. Every journey counts!

Measure the Journey to Manage the Experience

Organisations that measure omnichannel customer journeys will manage seamless customer experiences.

A recent Gartner study reveals that 96% of customers with a difficult or high-effort service interaction become more disloyal compared to just 9% who have a low-effort experience. You can hear their disloyalty via complaints or, even worse, churning to your competitor.

Using customer journey analytics to measure journey quality allows organisations to quickly see which business processes are broken, at scale.

With advanced analytics, you will hear customers communicate high effort, problematic journeys with repeated interactions, long channel duration, channel switches, and drop-offs from the journey. Hear what your silent majority is saying, so you can help them get where they are going.

Knowing the Customer Story

Measuring the customer journey begins with knowing the customer’s story. Connect customer interactions across channels and over time to better understand consumer behaviour.

For example, the customer’s issue does not always begin in the channel where the customer made the complaint.

The customer that called to complain about unexpected charges on their bill is the same customer that repeatedly tried to understand these charges on your website and then through your chat channel.

Their frustration started with a misunderstanding of the monthly bill and then escalated as they went through the journey.

Managing channels in silos will result in organisations missing the root cause of customer behaviour.

Measuring journey quality helps organisations identify which touchpoints in the journey need to be streamlined to improve the customer experience.

A thumbnail picture of Kenneth Brisco

Ken Briscoe

So let’s start listening to not only what customers are saying through formal channels but also what they are experiencing across multichannel journeys.

Your silent majority has volumes to say, and the best way to interact with them is through measuring omnichannel journeys through customer journey analytics.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of NICE – View the Original Article

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About NICE

NICE NICE is a leading global enterprise software provider that enables organizations to improve customer experience and business results, ensure compliance and fight financial crime. Their mission is to help customers build and strengthen their reputation by uncovering customer insight, predicting human intent and taking the right action to improve their business.

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Call Centre Helper is not responsible for the content of these guest blog posts. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of Call Centre Helper.

Author: NICE

Published On: 13th Aug 2019 - Last modified: 14th Aug 2019
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