How Coaching Can Help in Overcoming Stress

Coach helping little people go through the difficult part

We all feel stress in our lives, and at times stress can be good for us by helping us through difficult situations, allowing us to respond to changes in life and protecting ourselves from harm.

However, too much stress can be harmful to our health and relationships, and we need to be able to identify when stress is impacting our physical and mental health and have support in place to manage it.

What Is Stress?

Stress is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure which can come from different areas of our day-to-day lives.

We can think of stress as a bridge: if a bridge is carrying too much weight, then eventually it will collapse as it will not be able to withstand the pressure. We might be able to see some warning signs which might be creaking or cracking.

To prevent collapse we can remove the load or put something underneath to keep the bridge up.

Person under pressure - stress concept

The more pressure, challenges or demands that are placed on us, the more likely we will be to start to buckle

The same principle can be applied to humans: the more pressure, challenges or demands that are placed on us, the more likely we will be to start to buckle.

There might be some early-warning signs, but if enough pressure is applied, we will collapse and this could be in the form of a breakdown or chronic medical conditions.

We need to think about when we are feeling really stressed, how we can lighten the load, or what it is we can do to support ourselves, i.e. what are our coping mechanisms?

If we can be better equipped to pick up the early warning signs for ourselves or those around us, we can take the action needed to ensure that we don’t get to the place where we collapse.

How Can Coaching Help in Managing Stress?

There are many benefits to coaching, and organizations are increasingly taking a coaching approach to leadership and management. Coaching can help to build self-awareness and confidence, improve focus and performance and can enhance personal growth.

Coaching will support individuals to take accountability and responsibility and can help to give a difference perspective to challenges that are being faced. Overall, coaching allows time and space to empower individuals to come up with different solutions or ways of approaching situations or challenges.

Coaching can help to build self-awareness and confidence, improve focus and performance and can enhance personal growth.

A coach can help individuals to work through the following with an aim to managing stress more effectively:

Recognizing When Stress Is Causing a Problem

Understanding the signs of symptoms of stress and connecting these to situations or certain experiences is the first step in being able to mitigate the impact of stress. Coaching can help to identify the impact that stress might be having and how this might be affecting our health and well-being.

Understanding Exactly What Is Causing Stress

Once you recognize that stress is causing a problem, then is is important to pinpoint the causes of stress. This could be the working environment, internal pressure that an individual is putting on themselves, personal factors or a combination of many things.

Put in Place Action Plans to Remove or Reduce Stress

Stress Being Washed Away

Once the causes of stress have been identified, then coaching can support the individual to put in place practical plans that can help to remove or reduce the causes of stress by going through each stressor one by one.

For some, there may be a practical solution to reduce the stress, others may need additional help or support to overcome, some might just get better with time and there might be some that nothing can be done about.

Develop Tools and Techniques to Manage Stress

Through coaching a number of coping strategies can be developed and put in place that can help to reduce the symptoms and triggers of stress.

A coach will help individuals to reflect on when they have come through difficult and stressful periods before and what it was that helped them through previously and therefore what it is they can do in the present.

Build Resilience

Resilience can be learnt and strategies can be put in place to allow individuals to be able to cope with stress and stressful situations in a better way.

Coaching can help to build this resilience by developing problem-solving skills, setting boundaries, being realistic, continuing to grow, learn and develop and reaching out for help when needed.

Reframe Our Thinking

Much of the stress that we experience is internal stress, i.e. the pressure we put on ourselves or negative self talk which can cause us to have a pessimistic outlook, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem and confidence.

Being able to manage our thoughts and emotions and reframe our thinking can help to limit the amount of stress that we are putting on ourselves. A coach can help us to focus on a more positive outlook, keep things in perspective and encourage regular reflection on what is going well.

Look After Yourself

Finally, we are better able to manage stress when we look after our physical health. This is an area that many of us neglect when we are particularly stressed, but a coach can help to reprioritize this and ensure we are getting what we need to be able to be at our best.

This includes taking time out of work, getting enough sleep and rest, eating well, exercising, and having social interaction.

Gemma Carter-Morris

Gemma Carter-Morris

When individuals receive coaching, 80% report an increase self-confidence and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communications.

Whilst coaching will not be able to eliminate all causes of stress, it is an effective intervention that can support individuals to manage and overcome stress more effectively and lead to increased levels of health and well-being

With thanks to Gemma Carter-Morris, at Next Steps Consulting Limited for this insightful article.

For more information about reducing and managing stress in the contact centre, read these articles next:

Author: Gemma Carter-Morris
Reviewed by: Megan Jones

Published On: 21st Jun 2022 - Last modified: 12th Aug 2024
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