How does your salary compare?

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According to the latest salary survey, the average salary for a Contact Centre Director is £95k and £42k for a Contact Centre Manager.

How does your salary compare?

Recruiters Artis Customer Contact have recently published the findings of their 2012 Salary Survey, looking at the latest average salaries being paid for each role across the country and the impact that the current market is having on the recruitment process.


2011 proved to be been an interesting year in terms of both the volume and type of roles brought to market.  Whilst overall volumes still remain down on 2007 and prior, there continues to be greater movement at a senior level across all sectors as compared with 2009-10.


More than in previous years it is difficult to evaluate specific geographic trends. It’s true, there have been more roles recruited in the North and London than other areas, but the North specifically was hit hard in the downturn and, along with London, currently receives the highest number of applicants per role – indicative of an imbalance between supply and demand. It has also been a challenging year in Wales, seeing slower improvements than in the South West, Midlands and South East, but all have seen encouraging signs against 2010.

The Recruitment Process

We have seen many examples where the recruitment process is taking longer than in previous years. While companies naturally want to appoint the right person, it is going to be important in 2012 that companies look closely at their candidate experience to evaluate what first impression this gives a prospective employee.

Author: Jo Robinson

Published On: 29th Feb 2012 - Last modified: 7th Apr 2021
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