How to Design a Quality Assurance Program – Melbourne Australia

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Course Title: How to Design a Quality Assurance Program for Customer Service Excellence

Duration: 2 days (9:00AM to 17:30PM each day)

Target Audience:

All Service Management & Contact Centre Leadership, Service Quality, Quality Assurance, Human Resources and anyone involved in Quality Management and outcomes.


An effective Quality Assurance Program drives a variety of strategic objectives including enhanced Customer Experience, better Frontline Engagement, empowered Team Leaders, improved Training curriculums and ongoing innovation in Quality standards.

It’s simple – a weak Quality Assurance Program results in weak Service. Fortunately, it works the other way – strong Service flows from a strong Quality Assurance program.

Some people think that Quality Assurance means auditing Service for improvement. But the process begins way before auditing begins.

It begins with understanding a culture of Service, how to put together a strong Service Vision, and develop clear standards and provide for continuous measurement & improvement through strong a strong VOC framework.

This course provides an incredibly structured approach to designing, implementing and continuously improving an effective Quality Assurance Program – whether your program is already in place or is brand new.

This is not a theoretical course!

Participants will be required to work through a number of logical ‘steps’ including setting a Service Vision, selecting & defining Quality standards, establishing an internal measurement logic, designing Quality Assurance reports and communicating outcomes.

We even touch on the roles of Transactional Coaching, Mystery Shopper and VOC as sources of input for your Quality Assurance Program.

The Participant Guide for this course is extensive and contains samples of Quality Standard definitions, Monitoring Forms, Design Checklists and more to help you with your own unique Quality Assurance Program.

Learn with Six Powerful Modules:

You’ll learn how to design a powerful Quality Assurance program over six core modules:

Module 1: Understanding a Performance Culture

Module 2: Deciding what kind of Service you plan to deliver

Module 3: Making your Quality Assurance Form work for you

Module 4: Monitoring Quality – what we need to know

Module 5: The role of Coaching – what we need to know

Module 6: The role of the Service Audit & VOC

The course is facilitated by Daniel Ord, CCXP – an internationally renowned Trainer & Speaker in Customer Experience, Customer Service & Contact Centres.

The course is hosted by the CX Central Group Australia and you can learn more by visiting the link.

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 5th Dec 2019 - Last modified: 5th May 2020
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