How to make your customers feel loved


Alan Wall was trying to get his customers to feel more loved by his contact centre.

He devised a simple technique to get things to stick.  He came up with the acronym “LOVED”.

Read on to find out more about it. 

“In my old call centre I was looking for a way to make customers feel more loved. After all, if your customers feel loved they will enjoy the experience more and be more receptive to any offer that you put to them,” said Alan Wall of GMX Consultants.

“I wanted to create a call / call centre culture that we could drive and get people to buy in to and use.  I was at home, researching and browsing the various training sites, unable to find anything. I admit to having had a couple of single malts when I started writing down some words and random letters.  We already have the acronyms GROW, SMART and SWOT, and before too long I came up with LOVED”.

L      –  Listened to
O     –  Onside
V     –  Valued
E     –  Educated
D     –  Dependable

These are slightly down to interpretation, and this isn’t a bad thing.

Listened to

How do people feel when they are genuinely listened to (or believe that they are)?


When people are onside (however we choose to get them there) the desired outcome is far easier to achieve and people are more receptive.


How do you feel when you are “Valued”?

Educated (Education!)

Why we are doing something. Why I am asking you to do something. “Show, don’t tell.” When you are educated you understand better.

If you use the above and “LOVE” your clients, customers, managers, agents, employees and colleagues, you will find that they become far more…


This means you can depend on them for help, support, understanding, etc.

“After initial introduction to the leadership team, team leaders and agents, “LOVED” was rolled out,” said Alan Wall.

“LOVED was not just a word but something we all believed in and drove”.


Alan Wall

Alan Wall has over 20 years of training, coaching, change and communication experience.  He is a freelance trainer and coach who, as well as concentrating on sales and customer service call coaching, specialises in motivational and attitude coaching.

Author: Jo Robinson

Published On: 12th Dec 2012 - Last modified: 23rd Jun 2017
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1 Comment
  • Very useful tips about How to make customer / clients LOVE” and happy

    customer contact center 18 Dec at 08:57