Measuring Agent Satisfaction Popular in Call Centres

Do you measure call centre agent satisfaction?

Tania asked our LinkedIn Community ‘Do you measure call centre agent satisfaction?’.

186 industry professionals responded, and a number also shared additional information and insights on how. 

Measure Agent Satisfaction?Response %

69% of respondents stated that they do measure call centre agent satisfaction, with only 31% saying they don’t.

Do you measure call centre agent satisfaction poll graph 2022

The fact so many contact centres are measuring agent satisfaction is not surprising considering the current retention crisis gripping the industry.


There were also a number of posts explaining how contact centres are measuring agent satisfaction and how they are using the information learnt:

Ways to Measure Agent Satisfaction

• Growth & Development
• Coaching and training
• Regular catch-ups

Thanks to Sobia

E-Sat Surveys

E-Sat surveys are the most powerful way to measure employees’ satisfaction about their workplace in all aspects

Thanks to Raed

Bi-Annual Employee Engagement Surveys

Perform bi-annual employee engagement surveys with multiple rating questions, for example:

  1. E-NPS
  2. Direct line relationship
  3. Growth & development
  4. Overall motivation and happiness
  5. Coaching & training

All of these averaged out will give you a weighted CSAT from an employee point of view! Make this a heavily weighted metric for your management team

Thanks to Morne

Annual Survey

Great Place To Work annual survey

Thanks to Piotr

Annual E-Sat

E-Sat is extremely important and should be carried out annually to understand the pulse of the people on the ground.

Thanks to Karan

Listen and Take Action

Take the time to sit side by side and ask what would make their job better or easier.

Then listen and take action. If there are things you cannot do, say so and say why. It is generally the small things like this that can have the most impact.

Thanks to Cheryl

Sentiment Scores

Given the limited and often small survey returns, the most effective way is to calculate sentiment scores after evaluating 100% of all the calls.

It’s often very expensive, but it’s the most accurate way to get agent satisfaction scores.

Thanks to Sam

Employee Satisfaction Monthly Surveys

E-NPS, employee satisfaction monthly surveys.

Thanks to Joan

General Company Employee Engagement Measurements

We do not have anything special for the contact centre but we have general company employee engagement measurements

Thanks to Eva

ENPS and Surveys

E-NPS and surveys work beautifully. This coupled with frequent skip levels.

Thanks to Vumile

Yearly Satisfaction Surveys

Yearly staff satisfaction surveys; however, it’s typical to feel that unless it affects senior managers or the bottom line, nothing happens at grass-roots level.

Thanks to Keith

E-NPS Is a Key Focus

We do not currently, but E-NPS is a key focus for us to put in.

We are currently going through a transformation process, and when complete, we want to see if the advisors are happy with the new infrastructure, toolkits, support and training that is available to them.

Thanks to Aby

Another Observation

Mark made an excellent observation by commenting “It’s a great idea. I bet it would really help with employee retention” and the response by John R. below outlines some key considerations to make the most of the information and buy-in:

Tell them what’s expected, hold them accountable and they will respond. Our agent satisfaction scores are 90.

Source: Poll conducted in our LinkedIn Community Sample size – 186 Date: 2022

Author: Robyn Coppell

Published On: 13th Oct 2022
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