Provide a Personal Touch and Frictionless Service

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Filed under - Guest Blogs,

Rene van Popering at Contexta360 explains why CX matters and how your primary mission is to engage with your clients in an effective and frictionless manner to deliver excellent service.

This sounds logical and, yes, it should help you to achieve brand loyalty and customer satisfaction to enable you to become the leading brand.

About 70 per cent of businesses state that the buying experience is related to how customers feel they are treated. Adding the human touch and showing that you care facilitates trust and greatly influences business success.

From a data-driven perspective, we do want to know what is going on. Many businesses have insights into their operations by reviewing the journey, business processes, and employee handling performance.

By looking at satisfaction scores, NPS ratings, and anything that displays a certain kind of friction metrics, you can ask yourself, are these sufficient insights to help you to achieve greater business success?

Human nature means we like to know what is going wrong or what is disconnected, and how we are going to improve some of our underperforming staff. These are essential things to know, but you can also ask whether these are my success criteria to improve my business? Or am I firefighting to ensure things will not get worse?

Having the correct level of understanding about business performance is something you can build by defining your success criteria. This can be a lot easier if you unlock your voice data to enable you to collect these valuable insights.

“How can we improve conversion rates? Is my marketing campaign effective enough?”

What you really need to define is what you need to know to assist your CX mission and vision. What is your perception or point of view? What indicators are related? How can you translate that to a health or target status answer on your performance dashboard views?

Knowing what’s happening now is important. Preferably, it should be automated detection that can drive these operational insights as a daily refreshed view and not something you should start looking for. Enabling conversational intelligence can give you these answers about how you are doing.

The questions you should ask include:

  • What is causing the average acceptable tech support handling time to increase?
  • Do employee actions match and, at minimum, meet the correct level of information/actions requested?
  • Are agreement conditions within our corporate policies always vocalised?
  • What are the frequent reasons why our clients are dissatisfied?

Addressing questions such as these by using AI-driven conversational intelligence to identify obstacles and frictions is a good start. Broken processes and product challenges can also be uncovered to drive decision-making action and achieve operational success.

Achieving frictionless channel engagement and taking personal care of your clients should be monitored and measurable at any given moment. This will help team leaders to pinpoint specific coaching programs that deliver personalised coaching, to enable your staff to excel in service delivery.

Operational excellence is a mission-critical ingredient. You should have enterprise engagement understanding insights and use this data-driven view to define your “real-ask” CX mission goals and targets, such as boosting sales by 40 per cent, increasing conversation rates by 20 per cent or boosting the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

You should also ask:

  • How can we increase upselling? What are my best performers doing so well?
  • What are customers telling me they are considering buying? Or why are they still hesitant to purchase?
  • What level of empathy is used and needed to deliver a balanced, personalised approach?
  • How can we predict NPS scores? What kind of behaviour and client feedback impacts the satisfaction rating?

The result of good CX does matter, and operational performance is key to that success. The question is, is your organisation ready for intelligent listening that drives real business success? For some, this vital leap may be too much, with endless cycles of customer firefighting and general customer malaise being the awkward reality.

Author: Guest Author

Published On: 23rd Aug 2021 - Last modified: 24th Aug 2021
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