As Maya Anghelou once said: "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
The big takeaway here is that creating happier memories is easier when using emotional intelligence.
But, what does this all have to do with the contact centre?
Well, in this webinar, we will discuss how understanding emotional intelligence and building a culture around it, can better satisfy your customers and your contact centre team.
- Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
- Sandra Thompson, Exceed All Expectations
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Click here to view the slides
Webinar Timeline
0:13: Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
3:55: Poll with results from the audience. Asking "What Percentage of your Advisors are Currently Working From Home?"
7:37: Sandra Thompson, Exceed All Expectations Presentation
23:42: Poll with results from the audience. Asking "On a Scale of 5 - How Empowered are Your Agents to Make Decisions For Customers?"
28:15: Take-aways from Sandra's presentation
29:34: Quiz
34:21: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
39:32: Neil Titcomb, Odigo Presentation
46:35: Poll with results from the audience. Asking "In the Contact Centre, How do you use Demographic Profiles of Your Customers (e.g. Age, Sex, Income)?"
57:52: Take-aways from Neil's presentation
58:27: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
1:00:43: Winning Tip
Speaker Biographies
Sandra Thompson | Exceed All Expectations
I was drawn to work in design and customer experience because I fundamentally believe that these disciplines have the potential to improve people’s quality of life. Sometimes in little ways too subtle to notice, sometimes in big ways that leave an indelible impression, but the potential is always there." I read these once and thought this is it, this is the reason why I do what I do!
Knowing that I have made things better for either customers or employees in any small way fills me up with contentment that I am living my purpose; using my knowledge and skills to make life better.
People want to buy from brands who make their lives easier (and even help them out) so that they can do the important work of being a parent, a son or a daughter, a friend, a boss or a colleague. I'm here to help people have a happier, more fulfilled life....... my mission is masked as customer experience management.
Whether I am consulting, coaching or running courses, I can see a slight difference in the people I meet once we have worked together for a short time. They gain new ideas, solve problems, feel recharged and they go out to make a difference to the world. I do a range of things because people need help in different ways and everyone has their preferred way to learn and grow.
Connect with Sandra on Social Media:
Neil Titcomb | Odigo
I am a dedicated, motivated businessman who is passionate about achieving my goals and succeeding in everything I set out to do. Today I focus my 20 years experience towards driving sales teams to succeed and shaping new business units to achieve their goals in new markets. I have a proven track record as both a salesman and a sales leader who has a record of selling high value software and consultancy solutions to multi-level organizations. I can operate at all levels in business and have now become a respected speaker and advocate of customer experience solutions in the UK and Ireland. I am passionate about the power of social selling. I lead by example and believe my success has been maximized by assisting organizations in understanding the value software solutions when seen in the eyes of their customer. I am highly personable, with first class communication skills with strong customer empathy.
Odigo™ is a modular platform targeted towards customer care, sales, and service desk processes for end users, company employees, and citizens in the public sector. With 200+ clients in 17 countries, Odigo™ handles around 3bn interactions per year, including voice, messaging, email, video chats, social media messages, SMS, and IoT transactions.
Connect with Neil on Social Media:
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