The Secret to a Well-Oiled CX Machine

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Filed under - Guest Blogs,

Dana Shalev at NICE explains the secret to a well-oiled CX machine.

Whether spaceship or fancy coffeemaker, when important, complex machinery requires work, you don’t bring in some ‘jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none’ to toy with it.

Rather, you get someone who has wide experience along with deep skills and knowledge to do the job right.

This holds true too for today’s contact centre, which requires a Workforce Engagement Management system with innate width and depth, so it can run like a well-oiled machine.

The current CX interactions space is growing wider every day and booming, with new communication modalities frequently popping up.

Consumers are more and more comfortable with less and less face-to-face interaction – so your contact centre is a bigger piece of the CX pie.

Yet the space is not just wider; it’s also becoming deeper and more complex, with new challenges that redefine and expand the role of WEM solutions more than ever before.

Even years ago, you needed a broad WEM solution to manage agent scheduling, performance, quality of interactions – in addition to recording calls and managing those interactions.

It had to deliver uncompromising CX, create an appealing work environment for agents, while maintaining optimal efficiency.

Today, all that still holds true – even in the complicated landscape of remote and hybrid employees. And even with customers who expect their asynchronous interactions to be optimally resolved with the swarming support and leverage of experts from across the organization.

But the devil is in the details. And there are many (so many!) new and varied layers of questions spinning below the surface.

Sure, you need to forecast and schedule. But can you do that accurately enough to meet the increasing volumes and digital channels as well? Do you offer flexibility and schedule control so agents can be more satisfied and engaged? Do supervisors have a convenient view to track agent performance in all channels? And can agents manage all interactions from the same view?

Of course, you’re measuring performance KPI’s. But are your agents happy? Are you leveraging performance management for personal growth? Is your coaching personalized enough? Can you provide engaging gamification? Are you able to help agents perform better in real time? Can you measure productivity in a nuanced, multichannel, digital space? Do you have systems for managing the realms of knowledge – and strategies for making data actionable?

Obviously, you can staff and plan. But are you also positioned to pivot with high attrition, the labor pinch, and economic change? Can you retain and engage agents – and effectively manage them as remote, hybrid, and in-office employees?

So. Many. Questions. The short answer to them is that if you’re not there already, soon enough you will need all these capabilities to live in one complete cloud-native offering, enriched with AI.

The CX task today, which only becomes more complicated as time goes on, requires making your contact centre into a vast and intelligent engagement centre that runs seamlessly, like a perfect machine.

But to get this done, you need the far-reach of a jack-of-all trades and the meaningful depth of a master, too.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of NICE – View the Original Article

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NICE NICE is a leading global enterprise software provider that enables organizations to improve customer experience and business results, ensure compliance and fight financial crime. Their mission is to help customers build and strengthen their reputation by uncovering customer insight, predicting human intent and taking the right action to improve their business.

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Author: NICE

Published On: 25th Oct 2022
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