Work-from-home specialist Sensée was named Outsourced Contact Centre of the Year in the small/medium sized centre category at the 2020 Contact Centre Network Northern Ireland (CCNNI) Awards last Thursday.
The Sensée Northern Ireland (NI) Homeworking Team is made up of 100 Customer Service Advisors, Trainers, Team Leaders, Managers and Quality Analysts and manages customer contacts for leading brands such as Bupa and Allianz Partners as well as for several Government departments.

Sensée’s NI Sourcing Manager Annamarie Quinn, accepts the award!
The annual CCNNI Awards is a celebration of contact centre excellence for businesses operating in the region. Other winners at the Awards included BNP Paribas PF, Danske Bank, Santander and Ulster Bank.
As the UK Homeworking specialists, Sensée also sponsored and helped judge the Best Homeworking Programme Award which recognised the transformational changes made by businesses in NI during 2020 in response to the COVID19 pandemic. Congratulations to Santander and Firstsource Solutions as joint winners in this category.

Rob Smale
“Well done to CCNNI for putting on a fantastic evening in very testing times,” said Rob Smale, Chief Customer Officer at Sensée.
“The event was fitting recognition for the tremendous work of contact centre professionals in Northern Ireland over the last few months, continuing to put the customer at the heart of everything that they do.”
“We are very proud of the hard work and dedication of the Sensée Homeworking team and delighted that their achievements have been recognised with this Award.”
Author: Robyn Coppell
Published On: 16th Dec 2020
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