Articles - CallMiner

A collection of articles about CallMiner.

The Benefits, Challenges and Best Practices of First Call Resolution
Is There a Link Between Customer Experience and Profitability?
Recorded Webinar: Incentives that Work
11 Ways to Secure More Budget for Your Contact Centre
How to Calculate FCR
How to Calculate First Contact Resolution (FCR) – With Formula
11 Mistakes to Avoid… Performance Management Tools
What’s Next With… Contact Centre Metrics?
How to Build an Emotional Connection with Customers
Will Robots Replace Humans in the Contact Centre?
An Introduction to… Voice of the Customer Technology
Recorded Webinar : Motivating Agents to Deliver Better Customer Outcomes
11 Tips to Create and Maintain Loyal Customers
An Introduction to… Process Automation Technology
13 Predictions for the Future of CRM Systems
10 Contact Centre Technology Predictions for 2017
13 Mistakes to Avoid… Multichannel
22 Ways Technology Can…. Exceed Customer Expectations
frustrated girl at typewriter
Mistakes to Avoid… Call and Contact Routing
How Do I… Manage and Schedule Multi-Skilled Agents?
touching digital brain
What’s Next With… Smarter Ways of Working?
13 Ways Technology Can… Reduce Agent Stress
How Do I… Predict My Customers’ Behaviour?
agent reading a book
12 Ways to Make Better Use of Agent Downtime
customer through looking glass
Contact Centre Problem-Solving: 7 Steps to Improve Root-Cause Analysis

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