Articles - Clayton Drotsky

Clayton Drotsky is the Founder of Growth Crew Ltd. He helps leaders add value and exercise their influence so they’re able to inspire those around them.

With over 16 years in contact centre leadership, Clayton knows what it takes to be a successful leader in this industry, creating inclusive environments that excite and retain talent. Using his experience, Clayton coaches leaders how to become magnetic and have their teams rally behind them.

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Working out agent happiness concept with faces in magnifying glasses
Want to Find Out How Happy Your Agents Really Are? Here’s How!
Boosting Agent Morale written on colourful notepad
15 Surprises for Boosting Agent Morale
Staff surveys concept with people sitting on row of chairs holding speech bubbles
29 Ways to Transform Your Call Centre Staff Surveys
Compass and wooden tag written with CHANGE on grey background.
How to Manage Big Changes Well in the Contact Centre
Customer icons and arrows overlayed over a person - spotting points with customer concept
25 Ways to Proactively Spot Your Customers’ Pain Points
Bored and unmotivated worker
35 Surefire Ways to Demotivate Your Best Agents
Training concept with the words training skill and develop on paper being worked on by group
How to Keep on Top of Training in a Short-Staffed Contact Centre
Pillars in the clouds
The 10 Pillars of EX (Employee Experience)
Coaching Training Performance Learning Practice Concept
12 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Training in a Short-Staffed Call Centre