Over Half of Contact Centre Interactions Still Rely on Voice Calls, New Survey Reveals

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Our recent survey revealed that voice remains the leading channel in contact centres, with over 53% of all interactions handled through inbound voice calls in 2024.

Despite the rise of digital communication tools, the data reveals that traditional voice remains essential, with customers continuing to rely on it for real-time assistance.

Paul Weald, The Contact Centre Innovator
Paul Weald

Reflecting on the survey results, contact centre expert Paul Weald said, “It’s an enduring myth that voice is going to suddenly disappear, and what your survey finding reinforces is that voice has a significant role to play – the majority of contacts are handled that way.

The survey also shows minor shifts within voice-based interactions: inbound voice contact has slightly decreased, while outbound voice has risen to 15% of all contacts.

This increase suggests that contact centres are proactively reaching out to customers to resolve complex issues that may have started over text-based channels like chat or messaging, ultimately providing a more efficient and empathetic resolution.

Other channels, such as email and live chat, have seen little change. Email continues to make up 17% of contact centre interactions, while live chat holds steady at 7%.

Meanwhile, video chat remains barely used in contact centres, representing just 0.4% of total interactions, even as it has become ubiquitous in personal and professional settings. Other channels, including SMS and social media (both 2%), also play a small but stable role.

The data suggests that while the contact centre industry explores new technologies and communication channels, voice remains a cornerstone, likely due to its ability to handle complex customer needs in real time.

As contact centres continue to evolve, industry experts anticipate gradual growth in digital channels, though voice is expected to remain integral to the customer service experience for years to come.

Weald concluded, “Voice still has a significant role to play; it won’t disappear anytime soon. As digital channels continue to evolve, voice will remain a cornerstone of the customer service experience for years to come.

Our annual survey is a crucial resource for the contact centre industry, offering key insights and trends across various areas such as Advisor Experience, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, and Workforce Management.

This year’s survey, run in partnership with Five9, Jabra, NICE, Sabio, Scorebuddy, and Zoom, highlights the latest strategies and challenges shaping the future of contact centres.

Download the full report for free: What Contact Centres Are Doing Right Now (2024).

Author: Hannah Swankie
Reviewed by: Xander Freeman

Published On: 8th Nov 2024 - Last modified: 12th Nov 2024
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