Recorded Webinar: 7 Winning Tips From Great Contact Centres


Are you looking for ways to improve your contact centre’s performance? Well, why not learn from the best?

You have probably heard all the vague, generic advice like “improve your communication”, “rethink your metrics” and “make more time for coaching”.

But in this webinar, you will only hear real, tangible examples of how leading contact centres have managed to take their performance to the next level.


  • Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
  • Prashant Parekh, National Property Trade
 Prashant Parekhslides from Great Contact Centres webinar

Click here to view the slides

  • Huw Jones, Verint Monet
 Huw Jones slides from Great Contact Centres webinar

Click here to view the slides

Topics Discussed

  • What are the priorities of great contact centres?
  • The routines that great contact centres set
  • Examples of how to provide world-class customer service
  • Where not to focus your attention
  • How technology can help you to achieve “greatness”
  • Top tips from the audience
  • Winning tip –“Focus on why customers contact you – it allows you to identify waste which can easily be 50-60% of your demand” thanks to Paul123

Original Webinar date: 17th September 2020

Webinar Timeline

0:13: Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
3:51: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “What are your Biggest Challenges in the Contact Centre?”
6:48: Prashant Parekh, National Property Trade Presentation
16:16: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “On a Scale of 1-5 – How Customer Centric are Your Processes?”
27:36: Take-aways from Prashant’s presentation
29:09: Quiz
33:45: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
38:41: Huw Jones, Verint Monet Presentation
43:45: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “Which Contact Centre Agent Challenges do You Face?”
50:15: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
59:02: Winning Tip


Prashant Parekh - Headshot
Prashant Parekh
National Property Trade (2020 Judge UK Contact Centre Awards)

Huw Jones - Headshot
Huw Jones
Verint Monet

Jonty Pearce - Headshot
Jonty Pearce
Call Centre Helper

Register Now!

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 11th Sep 2020 - Last modified: 28th Feb 2023
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