Recorded Webinar: Emotional Intelligence in the Contact Centre


As Maya Anghelou once said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

The big takeaway here is that creating happier memories is easier when using emotional intelligence.

But, what does this all have to do with the contact centre?

Well, in this webinar, we will discuss how understanding emotional intelligence and building a culture around it, can better satisfy your customers and your contact centre team.


  • Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
  • Sandra Thompson, Exceed All Expectations
 Sandra Thompson slides from Emotion webinar

Click here to view the slides

  • Neil Titcomb, Odigo
 Neil Titcomb slides from Emotion webinar

Click here to view the slides

Webinar Timeline

0:13: Introductions – Jonty Pearce, Call Centre Helper
3:55: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “What Percentage of your Advisors are Currently Working From Home?”
7:37: Sandra Thompson, Exceed All Expectations Presentation
23:42: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “On a Scale of 5 – How Empowered are Your Agents to Make Decisions For Customers?”
28:15: Take-aways from Sandra’s presentation
29:34: Quiz
34:21: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
39:32: Neil Titcomb, Odigo Presentation
46:35: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “In the Contact Centre, How do you use Demographic Profiles of Your Customers (e.g. Age, Sex, Income)?”
57:52: Take-aways from Neil’s presentation
58:27: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
1:00:43: Winning Tip

Topics Discussed

  • The science behind customer emotions
  • Creating memorable customer experiences
  • Using emotional intelligence to build a better culture
  • Training and Leading with emotional intelligence
  • The tools that support and emotionally intelligent contact centre
  • Top tips from the audience
  • Winning tip – We have provided pedometers for our agents and encouraging a weekly step challenge to help with wellness/stress along with a little “Healthy” competition“Thanks to Susan18”

Original Webinar date: 23rd April 2020


Sandra Thompson - Headshot
Sandra Thompson
Ei Evolution

Neil Titcomb - Headshot
Neil Titcomb

Jonty Pearce - Headshot
Jonty Pearce
Call Centre Helper

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Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 3rd Apr 2020 - Last modified: 28th Feb 2023
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