Repeat Call
I and my colleagues from other site discussed how we calculate repeated calls because our results were very different. And one thing we figure out – what we understand as repeated call. They assume if client makes at least 2 calls with 24h then it’s repeated. But we assume that repeated is if client called 3 times within 24h frame. And if he caller has only two calls it means that second call was about something client forgot to ask during first call, thus there is no connection with agent’s quality of work.
What are your thoughts, experience, practice about this issue?
Question asked by Edgars
It is a good idea to measure repeat calls, but your method is too simple
There is a good tip in this article
“Don’t measure FCR on a 30-day window”
“Repeats have different durations; some happen in 5 minutes, some in 60 days, but repeat contact reasons often have their own associated time line or lifespan.
It is dangerous to attach a generic 30-day, 45-day or one-week time line to whether or not a call has been resolved.”
Just looking at CRM stats is not the best idea. You probably need to be listening to calls, as well as lookig at caller patterns, to see if the caller has already called in or if they have an open case. They will probably mention this on the call.
There are also some useful polls on the topic here.
With thanks to Jonty
Ridiculous Stat
I work in a call center for one of the big 4 wireless carriers and we have this stat in our metrics. Ours are based on 3 day repeats calls. So even if a customer we helped calls back within 3 days for a completely different reason, it is still held against us. Ultimately, these 3 day calls can effect our pay and if we continue not to meet the stat we can lose our job over it. All pretty ridiculous over something we have very little control over. I always do everything I can to resolve the customers issue. If I can’t resolve the issue, it’s because of the callers inability to verify some info on their side. Whoever thought this metric up has never been on the phone doing what I do.
With thanks to Brian
There Are Better Ways of Measuring First Contact Resolution
It sopunds like they are measuring FCR (and repeat calls) in the wrong way
In this article we have defined a better way to do it. It may be worth sharing with your management.
How to Calculate First Contact Resolution (FCR) – With Formula
With thanks to Jonty
What is the Percentage of Repeated Calls In A Month for You
I would like to know what percentage of repeated calls is acceptable?
With thanks to Zero
It Varies Considerably
It tends to vary considerably. Rather than repeated calls you should look at avoidable calls.
Generally if you have more than 10-25% avoidable (repeated) calls then that is bad.
With thanks to Jonty
Author: Jonty Pearce
Published On: 12th Apr 2022 - Last modified: 24th Feb 2025
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