What Is POC?

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Proof of Concept (POC)

POC means proof of concept, which is part of the process of making an idea a reality.


Any good analytics provider can supply a complete proof of concept (POC) using a call centre’s own data to build a genuine financial model.

These POCs typically address core business objectives identified by the call centre. Specific queries can be generated across a sizeable sample of extracted data, which then pinpoints insights and actions that, if implemented, can achieve significant cost savings all whilst building the case for board-level sign-off and investment.

Thanks to David Mason Business Systems

POC can also stand for;

Point of Contact (POC)

Point of contact (POC) can be used to refer to a customer touchpoint such as a phone call, email, live chat, engineer visit or entering a store.

Part of Our Culture (POC) 

As a follow-up to our virtual meetings and check-ins, we write our goals down on cards – whether individual or team – on how we can continue to improve.

The leader keeps track of our progress on cards throughout the year – to recognize and reward advisors for hitting their targets.

The cards are on display in the team leader’s workroom and agents are given a timeframe in which they need to be completed.

When the cards are acted on and completed, we move them to the POC = Part of Our Culture board and the leader keeps track of our progress on cards throughout the year – to recognize and reward advisors for hitting their targets.

Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 3rd Jun 2022
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