We asked our Twitter panel to answer “What is the best way to handle a complaint through social media?”
The Contact Company

Clue is in the question: “Handle” it. Be responsive, proactive & resolve it. Do *not* ignore it!
It’s crucial that customers can see you’re trying to help – Reply to all enquiries, even if it’s just “DM me further about this”
**remember that you will need to be following your customer in order for them to Direct Message (DM) you.
Magnetic North
Have management and escalation processes in place, just as you would any other complaint.
Prioritise questions where you can be responsive: ‘what promotions are you running?’ ‘when is the store open?’
Richard McCrossan @dossan

DON’T push customers to your phone number or website – they probably already tried that!
Magnetic North
Respond to complaints as quickly as possible, even if there is no immediate action you can take and it’s just to say sorry.

Sabio Sense @sabiosense
Respond directly to the tweet, don’t just use a generic canned response.
Rostrvm Solutions
Respond by phoning. It’s quicker, private, personal and effective. Close the loop with a ‘Thanks for taking my call’ note.
Don’t delay in responding. Customers expect a quick response through social media #custserv
Bring social in alongside existing telephony and CRM, that way agents will always be alerted to critical posts.
Don’t ask customers to put in even more effort – try & resolve the problem instead of saying “come into the store and we’ll help”
Scorebuddy @score_buddy

Use experienced agents who have autonomy and are well attuned to the high quality service required!
Richard McCrossan @dossan

Never EVER just delete complaints or negative comments on #socialmedia – this will only aggravate the customer even more!
What do you think is the best way to handle a complaint through social media?
Author: Megan Jones
Published On: 23rd Apr 2014 - Last modified: 15th Apr 2024
Read more about - Skills, Genesys, IFS, Intrado, Richard McCrossan, Rostrvm, Sabio, Social Media, Vonage
Never Ignore comments on Social Media, whether they be positive or negative. By acknowledging your followers, you are effectively showing them that they are valued to your business. The best way to respond to a customer complaint would be directly and preferably over the telephone if it was called for. Otherwise, through Social Media is fine for more people.