Your Incentive Ideas – 6 Nations Call Centre Incentive


On Twitter we recently asked you to share the incentives you are running in your contact centres.  Bellcom have recently shared with us their 6 Nations call centre initiative.

The 6 Nations rugby matches run from 2nd February to 16th March and this staff incentive is running alongside it.

It works by drawing names at random for the 6 teams.  Each member of staff will be assigned a country.

Points are won for your team by meeting targets, but you lose points for lateness and non-attendance!


Scoring is as follows:

A try = 5 points (Score a try by meeting your weekly target)
A conversion = 2 points (Awarded to the highest quality-scored calls of the week)
A drop goal = 3 points (If your country wins a match, your team will receive 3 extra points!)
A penalty = -3 points (3 points deducted for lateness/non-attendance)

Teams will compete for extra prizes at the break area on selected days!

The Grand Prize will be announced on Monday following the end of the tournament.

Themed foods can bring even more rugby fun into your contact centre

You can also host themed-food days in support of the different countries taking part.

For example, french bread and cheese can help liven the atmosphere when France are playing – like this agent at the RSVP contact centre in London.


Do you run games/ incentives during events in the year? Why not let us know?

Author: Jo Robinson
Reviewed by: Megan Jones

Published On: 27th Feb 2013 - Last modified: 6th Apr 2024
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