Articles - Beverley Mullard

Beverley Mullard (previously ‘Hughes’) is Chief Client Officer at Lemon Contact Centre, a UK based 24/7/365 operation based in the heart of Teesside.

A respected voice within the contact centre community, having worked across many aspects of customer delivery in either service, solutions or strategy, she is known for her pragmatic approach – getting to the heart of the issues facing CX in today’s omni-channel and tech-driven environments.

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people talking with headsets on and chat bubble above their head
Top 20 Examples of Rapport Building Statements
Person on phone to customer service happy with service
21 Tips to Make Your Customers Feel Truly Valued
Happiness and strategy concept with happy person playing chess
Expert Strategies to Improve Customer Happiness
PDCA as plan, do, check and act steps for continuous improvement of processes and products
How Innovation Can Improve Contact Strategies and Drive Continuous Improvement