Articles - Genesys

20 Predictions for the Contact Centre of the Future
Trade Secrets: How to get the best out of your call-routing system
Recorded Webinar: Contact Centre of the Future (2013)
A baker’s dozen hot tips to motivate the contact centre during hot weather
Technology Toolkit – connectivity and the cloud datacentre
Recorded Webinar: 10 Ways to Improve Your NetPromoter Scores
The Do’s and Don’ts of Call Scripting
Recorded Webinar: 10 Ways to Improve First Contact Resolution
How to deal with poor service on other channels
Recorded Webinar: 10 Ways to Reduce Average Handling Time (AHT)
Recorded Webinar: Self-Service: Letting Customers Take Care of Themselves
What to look for when buying speech analytics
Recorded Webinar: The Contact Centre of the Future 2012
Recorded Webinar: Improving Customer Service on Social Media
Recorded Webinar: Executive Briefing on Contact Centre Homeworking
The Top 25 Contact Centre Technology – 2011
Top Tips for Monitoring the Quality of Emails
Top Tips for Back-Office WFM
How is SIP changing the contact centre?
Social Media and Customer Service: Which Network is Best?
Ten ways that social media can give you a competitive edge
What to Look for When Buying a Workforce Optimisation System
61 Top Tips for Workforce Management Technology
Typical dialler features

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