Articles - Polls

A collection of poll results from reader surveys, webinar polls and represent the opinions of Call Centre Helper readers.

Most Contact Centres Still Don’t Measure Customer Emotion in Their Metrics
Nearly Three Fifths of Contact Centres Incentivise “Going the Extra Mile”
55% of Contact Centres Don’t Provide Agents With Customers’ Channel History
20% of Contact Centres Update Their Customer Journey Maps Monthly
The Majority of Contact Centres Now Have a VoC Program
Most People Prefer the Name Contact Centre over Call Centre
A graph showing the answers to the question "Which KPIs do you measure" with the answers of 58%-first contact resolution, 48%-net promoter score, 18%-customer value, 15%- custoemr effort score, 71%- quality score
Quality Scores is the Most Measured Contact Centre KPI
Only 8% of Contact Centres Survey Their Employees Monthly
Most Customer Service Budgets are not Increasing
20% of Contact Centres have a team to Respond Immediately to Complaints
Most Contact Centres Do Not Measure Emotion in Their Metrics
Where Would You Like to See Video Used in Future Contact Centres?
Video Has a Mainstream Future
The Majority of Contact Centres Handle Their Calls Within Ten Minutes
What are the Greatest Challenges in Managing Your Knowledge Base?
Finding Information Quickly Is the Biggest Challenge
Less Than Half of Contact Centres Measure First Contact Resolution
Average Handling Time is not an Agent Target in 41% of Contact Centres
Multi-skill Best for Contact Centres
Two people jumping with a chess board representing important skills
Survey Results: The Most Important Customer Service Skills
Most Contact Centres Support Multiple Languages
80% of Contact Centre Professionals Have Never Been Offered Voice Training
Most Contact Centres have lots of Background Noise in Conversations
A graph showing the answers to the question "Which factor most affects your forecast accuracy" with the answers of 26%-the weather, 23%-mailings, 21%-marketing, 3%-disasters, 27%-call arrival patterns
Call Arrival Patterns has the Greatest Impact Upon Forecast Accuracy
46% of Contact Centres find it Very Difficult or Impossible to get Extra Budget
Contact Centres are Asking Agents to Help Customers on More Than Ten Apps