Articles - Polls

A collection of poll results from reader surveys, webinar polls and represent the opinions of Call Centre Helper readers.

Christmas Planning Poll Featured Image
Have You Started Your Christmas Planning Yet?
The Average Contact Centre Cost per Call in 2016 is £3.64
Card Security is Dealt with Pause and Resume Call Recordings
47% of Contact Centres use Average Handling Time (AHT) to Target Agents
More Than Half of Contact Centres Send ‘No-Reply’ Emails to Customers
Contact Centre or Call Centre? Which do you prefer?
81% of People Prefer Contact Centre to Call Centre
Contact Centres Struggle to Measure Quality Monitoring Correctly
On Average How Long do Your Callers Wait Before Abandoning?
Customer Patience Appears to Be at an All-Time Low
An Agent Can Handle No More Than 3 Webchats at the Same Time
Increasing AHT to Help Improve FCR
Increasing AHT to Help Improve FCR
What Percentage of Your Customers Use a Digital Channel? Poll Cover
What Percentage of Your Customers Use a Digital Channel?
38% of Industry Professionals Have NEVER Called Their Own Contact Centre
10% of contact centres never schedule training
Almost 20% of Contact Centre Mangers Problem Solve Once a Month
Most Contact Centre Managers Call Their Own Contact Centre Every Month
Top reason for attrition poll graph cover
Are Low Wages the Only Reason for High Attrition Rates?
Many Agents Can Use 4-5 Knowledge Bases When Supporting Customers
Less Than 20% of Contact Centres Calculate Customer Effort
Contact Centres Aren’t Adapting Self-Service Systems After Installation
Contact Centres Prioritise Quality and Performance Speech Analytics
More Than Half of Contact Centres Are Looking to Deploy Speech Analytics
Over a Quarter of Customer Contacts are Low Quality
Only 2% of Advisors Have Great Levels of Rapport and Empathy