Recorded Webinar: Contact Centre Morale


Happy employees make happy customers. It’s an old cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason.

Countless statistics show the positive impact that happy, engaged customer service staff have on customers. But, how can we turn these figures into a reality?

In this webinar, we show you what contact centres are doing to increase morale amongst their team – with everything from simple tips to sophisticated strategies to galvanize your workforce.


  • Introductions – Rachael Trickey, Call Centre Helper
  • Carolyn Blunt, Ember Real Results
 Carolyn Blunt slides from morale webinar

Click here to view the slides

  • Mark Lockyer, CallMiner
 Mark Lockyer slides from morale webinar

Click here to view the slides

Webinar Timeline

0:15: Introductions – Rachael Trickey, Call Centre Helper
3:16: Carolyn Blunt, Ember Real Results Presentation
13:32: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “Which of the Following is NOT a Good way to Praise Someone?”
25:55: Poll with results from the audience. Asking “Which of the Following Skills and Behaviours are Most Important for Your Agents to Have in 2020?”
26:00: Take-aways from Carolyn’s presentation
26:48: Quiz
30:23: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
36:46: Mark Lockyer, CallMiner Presentation
53:20: Take-aways from Mark’s presentation
54:04: Top Tips, Opinions and Questions from the audience
59:34: Winning Tip

Topics Discussed

  • Creating happy advisors and happy customers
  • The modern ways to motivate your team
  • Helping your people meet their potential
  • Gamification and having fun in the contact centre
  • The role of technology
  • Top tips from the audience
  • Winning tip – “We send out ‘sunshine’ compliments to agents and include the senior leadership team in the compliment email when we receive positive comments from clients about an agent.
    Send Spot On valued awards for positivity, going the extra distance to provide client support, improving KPI’s etc to give additional praise” thanks to Sandra23

Original Webinar date: 11th June 2020


Carolyn Blunt - Headshot
Carolyn Blunt
Ember Real Results

Mark Lockyer - Headshot
Mark Lockyer

Rachael Trickey - Headshot
Rachael Trickey
Call Centre Helper

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Author: Rachael Trickey

Published On: 5th Jun 2020 - Last modified: 28th Feb 2023
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