Why Do Companies Outsource Call Centres?

Team of technical support agents working in office. Concept of outsourcing
Filed under - Guest Blogs,

Chris Mounce at EvaluAgent explores why companies outsource call centres.

In 2021, 71% of companies planned on outsourcing more of their services in a bid to reduce costs.

With the benefits of call centre outsourcing including dramatic improvements in customer satisfaction alongside savings in both time and money, it’s easy to see why thousands of companies have taken the step.

Call centre quality assurance plays a vital role in the success of a call centre, and outsourcing the process can dramatically improve output and satisfaction.

What Is Call Centre Outsourcing?

Outsourcing relates to the strategy of outsourcing the tasks traditionally carried out by your employees to an external company.

Call centre outsourcing is most popular in industries such as Financial Services and Technology, which are both among the top five industries who use call centres most widely.

However, a call centre can be used by any business to handle calls relating to areas including Customer Services and Sales – dealing directly with your customers on your behalf.

Outsourcing Cost Savings

Cost savings of between 10 and 20% can be expected when comparing outsourcing in the UK to running an in-house operation.

The key areas where cost savings can be made include:

  • Reducing the need for office space
  • Reducing hiring and training costs
  • Minimal need for purchasing software or equipment such as headsets and computers

A BPO Saves Time

Business Process Outsourcing is a business strategy that is well known to save valuable time by giving you immediate access to professionals who are fully trained and ready to go.

Some of the ways in which BPO can save time include:

  • Recruitment and training of staff
  • Maintenance and repair of equipment
  • Management of employees within the workplace

Outsourcing Gives You More Flexibility

Call centre outsourcing provides you with a new and improved level of flexibility. It’s quick and easy to scale your requests up and down depending on the busy times within your working week, month, or year.

Although call centre wait times can increase by up to 70% depending on the time of day, outsourcing calls enables your customers to contact your company outside of your standard office hours.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

50% of customers still choose a phone call as their preferred method of communication, highlighting the need to ensure that customers will be satisfied with the service they receive from your call centre.

Outsourced call centres are staffed by expertly trained professionals who are consistently monitored for their levels of performance. This means that your customers should be provided with the best service possible when you outsource a call centre.

When outsourcing call centres, businesses found that 79% of customers received follow up calls more consistently – something that your in-house teams may struggle to keep up with.

Better Overflow Call Handling

During busy times, you may not have the capacity to deal with the levels of calls that you receive. By outsourcing call centres, businesses are better placed to deal with high volumes of calls – enabling them to avoid putting extra pressure on their employees.

With improved overflow call handling, the potential for missed sales opportunities or customers not receiving call backs is also reduced.

Outsourcing call centre analytics to third-party software providers also allows for more frequent, granular compliance checks and an improved call centre quality assurance process.

They’re Always Available

In today’s digital age, people want to speak with you 24/7. Outsourcing call centres means that you can make use of workers from multiple time zones available throughout the day and night – providing your customers with the answers they want when they want them.

This blog post has been re-published by kind permission of EvaluAgent – View the Original Article

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EvaluAgent EvaluAgent provide software and services that help contact centres engage and motivate their staff to deliver great customer experiences.

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Call Centre Helper is not responsible for the content of these guest blog posts. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of Call Centre Helper.

Author: EvaluAgent

Published On: 11th Aug 2023 - Last modified: 9th Dec 2024
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